Ofir Libstein, our former Chairman and former Head of the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council tragically lost his life during the Hamas terror attack on October 7th, 2023, along with his eldest son Nitzan, while defending their kibbutz. Their deaths was unbearably hard news and a shock to many, from all segments of the population, in Israel and the world. Ofir’s unique leadership and character showed us what leadership is, especially in Israel’s most difficult time. His actions and their impact on the Negev region stand as a testament to a different kind of leadership. The Or Ofir Foundation was established in December 2023 to ensure the realization of Ofir’s ideas and continue to act in the light of his vision. This is a duty and a moral mission for us, aimed at facing future challenges, by cultivating an alternative leadership capable of dealing with national and global issues. Ofir’s leadership embodies our inspiration, dedication and commitment to foster a united society while maintaining values of morality, empathy, social justice and tolerance. At the core of our mission is to strengthen Jewish solidarity and create an extensive network of connections from Israel and the diaspora that carry a clear message – Israel is alive! Or Ofir Foundation consists of a variety of programs that have to do with strengthening the people of the Sha’ar Hanegev Region, global leadership and the connection between Israel and the Diaspora.