Nurturing Jewish Identity Globally

Netaim is a unique program from WeKibbutz and the Kibbutz Movement that aims to build and strengthen Jewish/Israeli identity within small communities worldwide.

What does Kehilor Netaim do?

Connect small Jewish communities worldwide that lack a formal presence of other Zionist organizations to the essence of the Jewish State, the Kibbutz, Humanistic Judaism, and Zionism.

Understand and get to know the characteristics of individual Jewish communities and create a customized yearly program according to the needs of that community.

Create a connection to contemporary humanist Judaism through various enriching yet fun educational activities led by Netaim representatives from Israel who will visit your school/community and host events based on the Jewish holidays.

Netaim also offers an amazing summer camp experience as well as a week-long journey in Israel for students on their Bar/Bat Mitzvah year.


Kids from small Jewish communities all over the world


Flexible according to your community’s needs


In schools and community centers in your area


To strengthen Jewish identity in your community, strengthen the connection with people from Israel, and offer a wide variety of opportunities to explore and connect to Israel!


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